Contact Information:

(780) 940-9290
(780) 910-8266

Mail Address:
RR2, 475057 Rge Rd 254
Millet, AB
T0C  1Z0

Millet Gospel Concert

Concert in The Country 2025 (Millet Gospel Concert) - About Us.

Our Beginning:
In 1998, God brought a couple of guys together in Millet that had been hosting music outreach ministry for a number of years. They gathered together a group of interested folks that tapped into our treasure chest of Country Gospel artists. And so Concert in The Country was born with the first concerts being held outdoors at The Bowl in August 1999.
Because of our unpredictable weather and of course those pesky mosquitoes, The Town of Millet and The Ag Society generously made the Millet Agriplex available.

Our mission is to present the gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ through word and song so that all people may be strengthened in their walk with Jesus Christ.

Our ministry is a faith ministry depending on the generous free-will offerings and contributions of all those who attend our concerts as well as the love and commitment of our many volunteers and sponsors. We trust that these offerings will enable us to cover our costs and provide opportunities for future ministries.

Our 2025 festival is a three-day event in which we invite a number of artists to come and share with us the talents that God has so graciously given them.

Our History:
Starting with a local group promoting gospel concerts a few times a year, our original members layed the foundation for a small group of people to form The Millet Music and Arts Society, a.k.a Concert in the Country, in 1998.

The Society is a registered charitable society in Canada. Our mission is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ through word and song, without cost to those that attend our weekend jamboree, held annually on the second weekend in August. Our ministry is very much a faith ministry, depending on the generosity of those attending to help us cover the costs involved.

The jamboree is a two day event in which we invite a number of artists who agree with our mission statement to come and share the talents God has given them.
